Saddest Young Shepherd Living In Kill Shelter, His Spirit Is Broken Should Never Have To Live This Way

At just two years of age, a beautiful dog, who is adored by shelter volunteers, may lose his life. The precious unnamed pup is being held at the Carson Shelter, Gardena, California.

He was surrendered to the shelter at Carson Animal Care because he was “not friendly enough.” Perhaps it was a mystery to his previous owners that dogs don’t train themselves to become good canine citizens. Sadly his previous family weren’t even responsible enough to have this precious neutered.

HE is the Saddest dog in the Shelter! he is incredibly sweet and deep and he needs help fast, his spirit is broken. Please SHARE for his life, he's SO special and a FOSTER or ADOPTER would save him.

For more information please call:
Los Angeles County Animal Control – Carson at (310) 523-9566.
Ask for information about animal ID number A5048604.

Additionally, please share this story on Facebook or Twitter so we are closer to finding this terrified soul a home. We have done it so many times together, and can certainly do it again.💕❤

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