At Just 3-Month-Old Of Age, A Beautiful German Shepherd May Lose Her Life

When you try and all else seems to fail, life just seems not worth living anymore. For one shelter pup named SANDY, her efforts seem like they are not paying off whatsoever. The 3-month-old, German shepherd is presently in a kennel run at the high-kill San Bernardino City Shelter, CA.

At just 3-month-old of age, a beautiful dog, who is adored by shelter volunteers, may lose her life. The dog, named “SANDY,” is being held at the San Bernardino City Shelter facility. SANDY, identification number #A502960, has a good enough temperament that she is considered to be publicly adoptable – but that has done nothing to keep her safe.

For more information about SANDY, call:
San Bernardino City Animal Shelter
Ask for information about animal ID number #A502960
333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, CA
Closed Sunday and Monday
Telephone: (909) 384-1304

This young gal’s time is nearing the close of life. Share her plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. SANDY’s options depend on all of us.

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